Water Features


Landscaping Water Features, Ponds and Waterfalls

The art is in making them look natural, creating a serene space to relax and rejuvenate.

Land Design specializes in the artistic design,construction and professional installation of elegant and soothing natural water garden features including ponds and waterfalls, pondless waterfalls, fish ponds, streams,rain gardens and decorative water fountains. Land Design pays great attention to detail in designing, installing and maintaining water gardens so that they can be enjoyed at all times of the year.


Water Features With Natural Elements and Natural Balance

Land Design provides a landscape design that reflects the architecture of the home and style of the homeowner. A balance of hardscape and softscape elements brings an enduring, yet living quality to any landscape. Land Design can make it blend naturally with the rest of your property. The best landscaping actually combines both Hardscaping and softscaping and should complement each other and create a nice balance. You need hardscape designs to make up the core of your landscaping, but remember, no landscape design is complete without the plants and flowers (softscaping)!

Pondless Waterfalls

Pondless waterfalls give all the sound and aesthetics of a pond waterfall, without the associated maintenance. These features can be small enough to fit in small courtyards or atria, to large, multi-fall displays with meandering streams. Water is circulated through the waterfall and down the stream, disappearing into a pit of rock. This pit contains a rubber liner just like a pond, but inside it is the pump housing and autofill valve. These are relatively maintenance free features that give a natural feel without the liability of a body of water. Pondless waterfalls have a dramatic presence and make any yard extraordinary.


Enjoy the soothing sounds of a water fountain in your home or office. Water Fountains have many benefits including indoor and outdoor décor, feng shui, stress relief and relaxation. An outdoor water fountain can be a gathering place for you and your feathered friends (birds). Relaxing next to your water fountain, hearing the soothing sounds of water you will think your backyard is the best place to be.There are many different styles of outdoor water fountains available. There are garden wall fountains, tiered water fountains, solar powered water fountains, pond fountains, stone water fountains and light weight outdoor water fountains. Fountains can have lights, be solar, and all kinds of other fancy forms.
Wall Fountains are a great addition to any home or garden. The wall fountains are ideal.


The look of a natural stream is a welcome site to any property. A stream can meander down a hillside or ripple through your landscape. All streams are contoured to the project.
Building a stream in your backyard can make a pond appear much more natural. Streams can empty into ponds just as waterfalls do or just babble merrily along to the bottom of the slope where nature would naturally form a body of water. In such a setting you can have a natural looking stream that ends in a water garden pond.

Create something beautiful.

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Add Some Interest to Your Landscape With a Water Feature.

Thinking about adding some water features into your landscape this summer? Contact Land Design and we’ll make sure your ideas flow smoothly and seamlessly into your plans.

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If you’re wondering where to start a landscape transformation, look no farther than Land Design!


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