Storm Water Management & Drainage Solutions
Grading, french drains, downspout drainage and sump pump discharge piping are just a few of the most common services we offer to help keep water away from your residential or commercial structure.

Excellent yard drainage is the foundation of a great landscape design. Fifteen years of design and construction experience means that Land Design understands that proper drainage systems, gutter systems, retaining walls, and landscape grading are critical for protecting your home and garden from the costly damages caused by unmanaged rainfall, water seepage, and runoff. Our holistic approach balances technical solutions with an eye for aesthetic beauty.
Our professionals will design an appropriate drainage system to handle your storm water, directing it away from your foundation and landscaping. It will be designed to be effective yet unobtrusive, blending with the existing landscape. We can create an attractive dry creek bed to enhance your landscape or an underground system that is virtually invisible. Land Design can build a drainage system that solves the problems and suits your landscape.
Our climate and predominant soil types bring challenges during each of the four seasons. We can incorporate a variety of solutions, including proper directing of surface water, installing drain tile and catch basin systems, routing water away from your foundation, directing or moving water from downspouts, creating berms & swales, installing a dry well, or installing a rain garden to reduce runoff.
If you need yard drainage or a complete landscape renovation or anything in between, Land Design does it all.

Permeable Pavers are a paving alternative to more traditional types of hardscape flooring materials, where water is allowed to filter through the surface to the underlying soils. Traditional pavers do not allow much water to infiltrate, particularly if they are mortared in place. Water would normally hit the surface and then flow down to the nearest drainage channel, and become storm water runoff.Permeable pavers permit rainwater to be absorbed by the ground underneath, while still managing to provide a stable enough surface for vehicles.
The Stormwater industry treats porous paving, permeable paving, and pervious paving as interchangeable.

Grading could be your answer. It is literally as old as the hills and has been used to control water flow for centuries. The best way, if possible, is to use surface drainage in the Midwest because so much of the time the soil is frozen.
Berms are low mounds of vegetated soil two to six inches in height. Berms direct and slow the speed of runoff, allowing it a greater chance to infiltrate and filter out sediments, nutrients and other materials in the water. Berms are raised beds that can be used to direct water to swales.
Swales are shallow, gently sloped vegetated ditches that capture runoff and transport it away from heavy use areas. Swales are commonly planted with grass, which slows down runoff and facilitates infiltration and removal of sediment and other particles. Swales can be easily incorporated into the landscape on your property, particularly if there is already a low lying area on your property. Swales are often less expensive to install than some underground drainage systems. Swales should be designed to hold water for no more than 48 to 72 hours.

A dry well is used to quickly transfer excess surface water deeper into the subsoil. It can be as simple as a hole dug with a post hole digger and filled with gravel and sand, or as complex as a pre-cast concrete sleeve lowered into a large hole and fed by drainage pipes. One of the dry well products we use is Flow-well.

An underground trench wrapped with fabric and filled with gravel can redirect surface and ground water away from a particular area. A French drain has perforated piping inside the trench to quickly vent water that seeps down through the upper gravel. French drains can be placed anywhere and in combination with storm water catch basins, surface water collection and conveyance systems can be strategically placed and optimized to suit the unique needs of your property.
If your drainage problem is groundwater seepage from the slope behind the house, a soggy lawn, surface runoff from uphill, water in the crawl space, a small lake, you name it, Land Design can install a french drain that will solve your drainage problem.
Our french drains can also serve multiple functions and look nice too. A gravel path, a patio border, dry stream beds, dry creek beds or dry river beds can all be french drains in disguise.

Most hardscapes experience more runoff than landscapes due to the lack of water absorption. Trench Drain and Channel Drain systems are an effective and popular solution when perimeter drains are needed for hardscaped areas. Common applications include pools, spas, patios, tennis courts, and driveways.

An underground trench wrapped with fabric and filled with gravel can redirect surface and ground water away from a particular area. A French drain has perforated piping inside the trench to quickly vent water that seeps down through the upper gravel. French drains can be placed anywhere and in combination with storm water catch basins, surface water collection and conveyance systems can be strategically placed and optimized to suit the unique needs of your property.
Land Design Landscaping can install underground drainage systems using quality 4″ – 6″ SDR 35 Sewer Pipe. The system will have surface drains to collect rain water that seems to accumulate in the yard. Additionally, if you have a gutter system on the house we will attach all the down spouts to the drainage system so the water never gets to the yard.

Do heavy rains collect in pools and puddles in your yard? The easiest way to help water infiltrate into the ground rather than run off into storm sewers is by creating a raingarden. Strategically place your raingarden on a site that will intercept water runoff. If constructed properly, the garden will drain the water within two days.
Rain gardens are depressions in the soil that are planted with deep-rooted plants and grasses to help divert storm runoff from treated lawns and roofs. An added benefit is that they give gardeners the opportunity to feature native plants that encourage butterflies, birds, and beneficial insects.
Land Design partners with Metro Blooms whose mission and philosophy of protecting the environment and preserving our natural water resources.

Catch basins are designed to drain excess rain and ground water from lawns and gutters.
Catch basins and grates are used to protect property against water damage caused by excess rainwater or irrigation. Used to collect water from downspouts, planter areas, and landscape sections.

This dry stream bed looks so natural, you’d think it had always been part of the landscape. Is this “dry creek bed” a drainage solution or just a lovely garden feature – or both? The first step in designing a functional and aesthetically pleasing dry creek bed is to study natural water features.
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